"Is Real Estate Tech Broken?"

When:  Sep 18, 2024 from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM (ET)
Real Estate Technology Institute (RETI) Free Webinar
"Is Real Estate Tech Broken?"
September 18, 2024
4:00 PM-5:00 PM

Presenter: Warren Dow

RETI's Warren Dow will be joined by Stuart Sim, VP of Industry Development at Lofty (formerly Chime), to discuss the tech-first approach to solving common problems agents face.

Whether the issue is finding top-of-the-funnel leads or if it's leveraging AI to help with follow-up, we all lean on tech to be the solution. 

But with all the innovation happening, is the answer to just keep creating more tech or is it to find a tech stack that works for you and maximize it to its full potential?